Forbes: Increasing Viewership of Published Articles

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Our sponsor organization is Forbes Media, the world’s leading business media brand. It’s signature publication, Forbes, is published bi-weekly, and features original articles on finance, industry, investing, and marketing topics. Forbes also reports on business-related topics like technology, communications, science, politics and law.

This capstone project distilled the properties of images and titles that appeal to readers to help predict increased pageviews at the pre-publishing stage, thereby increasing viewership of each article. The team’s goal was to learn reader behavior and be able to suggest changes at the pre-publishing stage to improve article readership.

The solution employed analyzed different features of article data in order to use machine learning models to predict pageviews before article publication. Some technologies used during this project included Python, Jupyter notebook, matplotlib, seaborn, word cloud, GCP: Google Vision API and GCS, and Visual Studio code.